Fantastic Services
We pride ourselves on offering our clients a relaxing and rejuvenating experience by delivering exceptional service, held to the highest of safety standards. Our clients have the utmost confidence in our protocol knowing that all of our equipment is subjected to a high-pressure, high-temperature sterilization process. By utilizing a medical device called an autoclave, we can ensure the sterility of our instruments and the safety of our clients.
All of our treatments are focused on delivering the maximum benefit while utilizing the highest quality products to cater to your specific needs.
Some treatments, such as Permanent Makeup may require a deposit to secure your appointment. Our deposits are non-refundable if an appointment is missed or cancelled with less than 48 hours notice. Should you change your mind on the original service booked, you may transfer your deposit to another service we provide prior to the 48 hour cancellation window. Thank you for understanding and abiding to our booking policy!
See the difference Fantastic makes!
Call us at 519. 936.1391 or book an appointment online.
Referrals Are Rewarding To All
We have Fantastic Loyalty & Referral Programs in place, ask for further details.
Interested in Laser Hair Removal?
Call today to reserve your spot and SAVE 40% off your First Laser Hair Removal Treatment.